Category: Customs Compliance

Trade Compliance Specialists juggle many tasks to ensure their company’s exported and imported goods remain compliant. Their hard work helps uphold the organization’s reputation and ensures the global supply chain is uninterrupted by compliance issues.  So when you start a new compliance job, you’ll have to hit the ground running to keep your compliance tasks…

Remember the postcard tax return?  It’s been touted by various government officials since 1950.  The idea is simple (and beautiful):  What if you could file your taxes on a simple, easy-to-use postcard?  Just imagine all the hours you could save!  Or how about Form 1040EZ?  The name itself underscores the simplicity.  That is, until you…

On December 23, 2021, President Biden signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) into law.  This establishes a new rebuttable presumption that any goods, wares, articles, or merchandise mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China is produced by forced labor. This presumption prohibits the…

Making a resolution is an age-old tradition in the United States.  Year after year, the most popular resolution is to make healthier choices and last year was no exception to this. While we all have good intentions on January 1st, studies show that only about 8% of resolution makers actually achieve what they set out…

The Customs Modernization Act of 1993, more commonly known as the “Mod Act,” established the requirement that importers use “reasonable care” in making entry of merchandise into the United States. The Mod Act is the largest amendment to the Tariff Act of 1930 and placed the onus of importing compliance on the Importer of Record,…

Importers Be Aware – if you are importing products that could be caught up in an Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) order then you need to be aware of the major changes to these regulations, which were issued by the Department of Commerce (“DOC”) on September 20, 2021. The intent of the updated regulation is…

Why are Customs Regulations Important? US Customs at its core is the top law enforcement agency for America. It was established to help control the flow of goods and people in and out of the country. One of their main obligations is to collect duties and taxes on the merchandise that is imported. They also…

Who’s Responsible For Trade Compliance? This is a question that most companies struggle with when it comes to their imports or exports. Who is responsible? The answer… everyone! Some companies might have a designated Trade Compliance Manager who oversees the trade compliance program. Others might even have a dedicated team built just for compliance. Other…

Does My Business Need Help With Global Compliance? When it comes to international business, every move you make counts. Exporters often need assistance at various stages of the exporting process- from building a complete program to getting products out the door. Deciding where to begin and who to contact can be difficult, and not least…

Customs Violations Penalties & Fines Since the inception and implementation of the Customs Modernization Act in 1993, the law and regulatory responsibilities changed to fall on the importer. These obligations are to determine the proper value, classification, duty rates, and ensure other government agency requirements are satisfied. A few of the most common penalties for…