In response to a Final Rule published by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and effective in March 2020 moving certain firearms, guns, and ammunition to the Commerce Control List (CCL), the Automated Export System (AES) has been updated to create a new license type, C63, for items not having the same controls as other .y items.
Prior to this change, license type C60 (DY6) was used for reporting commodities classified under ECCN 0A501.y within AES. This license type was also used (and should continue to be used) for reporting .y 600-series items and 9X515 items. C63 (YFA) has been created to report .y commodities not having the same controls as the 600 series .y items and 9X515 .y commodities.
When using C63 (YFA) to report commodities, exporters must keep in mind the following in order to prevent fatal errors:
- C63 (YFA) – Reporting an ECCN is not required except for China, Russia, and Venezuela (as of June 29, 2020), but when reported, only the following ECCN is eligible: y.
- When C63 is used, the filer must report YFA in the License Number field.
- Export Information Codes should be reported- except UG, FS, FI.
- Modes of Transportation must reported.
Exporters and their agents should update their processes to include the use of this new license code. If you have any questions regarding this change or other recent changes to export regulations, please contact Export Solutions for a free consultation.
Emmalie Armstrong is a Trade Compliance Consultant with Export Solutions – a firm specializing in U.S. import/export regulations.